Sunday, March 13, 2011

Can't Wait

Much like I posted last night, I hope to post often about thoughts and feelings. I literally can not wait! I'm so excited and I'm nervous and I'm anxious to leave. I talked to my madre about my plans to join the Peace Corps after I get my teaching degree, before Grad School. I want to give back. I may not have a lot, but I have more than some and giving a little is a lot to them. I hope to travel everything helping and giving back. Time to research.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A big foot print, not a little one.

I am roughly 3 1/2 months away from departing to Africa. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, and distracted all at once. My mom and I have been arguing lately over the "accompanied" flight. I personally don't want to attend this trip. I would rather go alone. This is something I have been working for and something I want to do alone. I should be given this right, right? My mom says due to the fact that I have never left the country it would be a good idea to take this flight. I'm also concerned about the number of people going. My goal for this trip is for me to make a difference. Me. Just me. That's why I'm going alone. Without family, friends, or someone from Alamosa. So to end the argument, I emailed the head of Projects Abroad to find out if I was correct about more people attending that two week trip. I received his email a day later. It said that I would be pretty much independent, but they recommend that I attend the youth trip because it's geared more towards my age. This bothered me a little, but I'll consent to that. Another thing that he mentioned was that the trip to Ghana tended to be the most populated trip, ranging between 40-60 people on average! This threw me off, because I had figured most would go to places in India, China, or Southern Africa, not tiny little Ghana. I quickly googled the sight and decided to pick another location that he had said didn't have many people. But as I was searching through each page, I realized that none of the countries drew me in like Ghana. I'm not saying they don't need help. But I feel like Ghana is where I need to go.
I have this theory. People talk about how they want to leave their foot print on this earth. Make a little difference right? But with a million little footprints, they'll get erased, no one will remember that tiny thing you did. Have you ever noticed that in history, almost no person did something alone? They always had another person or group to help them. This is where my theory comes to play. If we all band together to create one giant foot print to start and make more and more giant footprints instead of a million tiny ones, then our tracks can't be erased. The world could change. We just have to work together. (Now you must understand, it's 11:15 pm, and I had three hours of sleep last night, if this doesn't make sense, I apologize) This is where I became embarrassed and humbled.
I realized as I was looking for new places, that having more people was good. It meant that we could make a BIGGER difference! It meant that we could all work together to actually change things. So if your still reading this, you might be asking yourself, whats the point of this blog? The point is, I'm not changing countries, and I'm going to start a movement, I'm going to get people to work together, not separate. It's like the saying "there is no I in team." I or you alone cannot change things. It's not possible. But as a group, we will be noticed and people will start to change things. I've decided this is what I want to dedicate my life too. At least for now. Maybe I'll change my mind after Ghana. But I feel in my gut that this is where I should be.


So, as many of you know, or will know, I'm planning on going to Ghana this July. If your looking at this blog, I either forced you, or your curious, or maybe you clicked the wrong button and ended up here. No matter what the cause of your "stumble" your now somewhat interested because you have read this far. Right? I had come up with the idea of starting a blog, to document my trip and my progress towards it. I'm hoping I'll be able to post in Ghana, but that's months away. I'll hopefully be documenting my thoughts, and feelings towards this trip. And if this goes over well, and I continue doing projects it will become my "official" blog for my life and thoughts. If I can figure it out, I'll post pictures as well. I guess I'll leave it at that. If you even read this far, thanks for supporting me. :)