Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well, today I got my placement for my trip to Ghana, Africa! I will be living in Kwamoso, Akuapem. I will be living with Rev. Fianko-Bekoe. It is a small village of about 2,000. The Rev. has about 13 relatives living in his home currently! I will finally know what it's like to live with "siblings." :) Apparently the Rev. is not to strict and is okay with volueenters going out in the evenings to eat in one of the few restraunts in town. I will be working at the Adom Day Care Center in Akropong! I am in the hills and will be about an hour from Accra the capital. There are about 120 children at the center, ranging from 8 months to 5 years old! I will be given the chance to teach theatre, music and basic lessons like math, and reading skills.
Below is whats is considered a "normal day!"

    The day begins at 08:00 where the children arrive for assembly and registration. From 09:15 to 10:45, there are three half hour sessions with activities such as number work, skills development and story-telling followed by a break of forty five minutes.

From 11:30 until 13:00, there are three further half hour sessions with activities such as drama, music and movement and outdoor play. Lunch is from 13:00 until 13:30, during which time volunteers can serve and help feed the children.
After lunch, children can change their clothes and from 14:30 until 16:00 are able to nap or play more educational games. Some of the younger children may sleep from about 14:00, and you can decide whether to stay for the afternoon or to have some free time. Your day will end by 16:30 at the latest and weekends are free.

 I will also be given the chance to take the children on little field trips into town or to the local library! I am so excited now and it seems so much more real now that I know where I will be living!

1 comment:

  1. Kate that sounds awesome. You're in my prayers as you change the world. Sounds like you will have a blast! You are a world changer pat yourself on your back!
